What about monthly disposable contact lenses?

Monthly disposable contact lenses, as the name suggests, are contact lenses with a one-month disposal cycle, which are short-cycle disposable products. Let's take a closer look at this kind of contact lenses.

Relatively speaking, monthly disposable lenses have a shorter shelf life, but are safer and healthier, and are more suitable for people who wear them intensively but not frequently. The monthly throw is easier to operate and wear than the daily throw, and changing it once a month is also in line with the shorter, healthier concept.


However, although it is only used for one month, it still needs attention to care and maintenance. The monthly toss should be rubbed, rinsed, soaked and stored after each use. In order to prevent the lens from being damaged, drip a sufficient amount of the care solution, and rub the front and back of the lens with the pulp of the finger, the direction is from the middle to the edge. Knead the front and back for 20 seconds, then pick up the lens with tweezers, rinse it, and store it in a double box containing two-thirds of the care solution.

The cost-effectiveness of monthly throws is slightly lower than that of annual throws and semi-annual throws, but it supports higher water content, is comfortable and moisturizing to wear, and has improved oxygen permeability compared to traditional throwaways. It can be said that long-term disposable contact lenses will gradually be replaced by short-cycle types of contact lenses such as daily and monthly.


In fact, different types of disposable contact lenses have their own advantages and disadvantages. In order to choose the right lens, you need to go to the eye hospital for a detailed examination. First, you need to determine whether you are suitable for wearing contact lenses. Second, you need to measure accurate eye data, and then find an optometrist for glasses.

Wearing glasses is actually a very professional and complicated thing. When wearing contact lenses, if you have any questions, you must consult a professional doctor.