Wear contact lens eye is red how to do?

 Most of the time, we find red eyes after removing contact lenses, which makes people worry about their eye health and don't know whether we should continue to wear contact lenses. In fact, red eyes is a common reaction to wearing contact lenses. When the symptoms are mild, there is no need for intervention, the eyes will relieve themselves, but it do not rule out the problem caused by infection, so we should pay attention to it daily!


 If the red eye is only slightly congested, then it is mainly because the eyes are too dry and lead to corneal hypoxia, or the lens is not enough to cause more unnecessary friction, but it may also be bad wearing habits, accidentally scratched the eyeball when wearing the eye. In this case, after removing the lens, it can be relieved for a short time through rest. However, if you always feel dry eyes, you may not have enough tears secreted, so you need to re-evaluate whether you have dry eye disease and whether or not, and then it is suitable to wear contact lenses. When it is difficult to remove the lens due to excessive dryness, you can use artificial tears for lubrication, and it becomes easy to remove.


 If the redness is caused by acute congestion, then it means that the eyes have produced inflammation, in addition to redness, there will also be photophobia and tears, unclear vision and other symptoms. This situation can not only not be relieved in a short time, but also not suitable for continuing to wear contact lenses, must use anti-inflammatory eye drops according to the doctor's advice. Generally speaking, wearing contact lenses to sleep, swimming and other behaviors are a high risk for infection.

In fact, most of the problems caused by contact lenses arise from hygiene problems, so cleaning around the eyes, hand disinfection and environmental hygiene should not be underestimated.