Wear contact lens dry eye is how to return a responsibility?


 People who wear contact lenses for a long time are more likely to have different degrees of dry eyes. Often dry eyes and astringent eyes, may lead to blurred vision, easy to fatigue, to daily life has brought great trouble.


 Wearing contact lenses for a long time can lead to lack of oxygen, which can sts as a foreign body sensation, burning or dryness. Under normal circumstances, the eye can obtain oxygen through the atmosphere anytime and anywhere to support the metabolism function, but after wearing the lens, equivalent to a layer of barrier, oxygen becomes not so easy to pass through. Moreover, contact lenses are the worst oxygen transmission, but they use a large group base. If you can't identify channels and buy regular brands, it may lead to more serious eye diseases. Therefore, it is recommended to buy contact lenses with high oxygen transmission coefficient as much as possible.

 If the eyes are dry, the first treatment is to stop wearing contact lenses immediately. The eyes are already uncomfortable, and continuing to wear contact lenses will not only increase dryness, but also cause additional irritation to the cornea and conjunctiva, leading to inflammation, infection, and, if more seriously, corneal perforation and blindness.


 In mild dryness, it can be relieved by stopping wearing and taking more rest, and when necessary, you can also buy some artificial tears without preservatives to drop. Severe dry symptoms occur repeatedly, and it is not excluded that the performance of dry eye disease and other diseases, need to seek medical treatment as soon as possible, clear the situation of symptomatic treatment. At the same time, during the treatment, stop wearing contact lenses completely, and until the function of the tear film is stable or follow the doctor's advice.

If there is a large demand for eyes, you can match a pair of glasses for use. Excessive use of eyes will also lead to dryness and discomfort. alternately wearing glasses and contact lenses can well relieve the problem of eye fatigue, give enough time to repair the eyes, and promote corneal breathing.