Summer travel to wear contact lenses need to pay attention to what problems?

When we think of summer, we often think of sun, beaches and unfettered travel. Traveling in the sunny summer, wearing frame glasses is always very inconvenient, and it will show a trace, which is very troublesome. In fact, wearing contact lenses is a good choice, but you need to pay attention to a few problems oh!


Friends who like to swim need to pay attention to, although swimming is a good exercise and heat relief, but in the pool can not wear contact lenses. Swimming pool water is not very hygienic, it contains a variety of bacteria, pollutants, disinfection chlorine and other chemicals, can irritate the cornea, conjunctiva, make the eyes red and inflamed. There are a variety of impurities and microorganisms in the wild river, any water outside can not wear contact lenses swimming, otherwise it is easy to suffer from keratitis. If the degree of myopia is relatively high, it is recommended to buy swimming goggles with degrees, and the residue on the body should be washed off in time after swimming.

The choice of rafting, water park and other activities also have the same water pollution problem, while people sweat will also include a lot of bacteria into the eyes. If the lens is washed away by the water halfway, the vision is suddenly blurred, and personal safety problems may occur. Therefore, author recommends that you be sure to remove contact lenses before water play activities to ensure eye safety.


Summer sun exposure is strong, go out to remember to do a good job of sunscreen, because ultraviolet rays are not only the accelerator of skin aging, but also lead to eye macular disease and so on. Sun protection is very important for the eyes, wearing contact lenses need to pay more attention to sun protection and moisturizing. If the strong light is too harsh, the eyes produce symptoms such as discomfort, fatigue, and increased secretions, it is necessary to remove the contact lenses in time.

When going out, the double box and care solution may not be convenient to carry, the best choice is naturally the daily disposable contact lenses, wear at any time, you can also take a few pieces with you for emergencies, but the price is high, you can buy on demand.