Prevention and treatment of high myopia

In the past, the development of myopia was relatively slow, and the degree of myopia was relatively stable after adulthood, but now the use of computers and smart phones is getting longer and longer, occupying almost all of the leisure time, resulting in the problem of myopia at a younger age and becoming serious, and the degree of myopia of people of all ages is developing rapidly. In recent years, China's epidemiological investigation has fully confirmed this point.


When the degree is above 600 degrees, we call it high myopia, which is a state of refractive error. High myopia is mostly caused by genetic factors and can appear as early as childhood. If not corrected in time, high myopia will cause more fundus lesions, and even blindness due to retinal detachment.

The prevention and control of high myopia should be done sooner rather than later. For groups with high genetic risk of myopia, early genetic screening should be carried out to reduce the incidence. If you are already in the process of myopia development, then for the various periods before, during and after, appropriate prevention and control measures should be adopted according to the phased characteristics, so as to delay the occurrence of myopia, timely control the rate of myopia progression and reduce the occurrence of complications. To prevent high myopia, we are required to use the eyes scientifically, regular work and rest, especially for the special group of young children, parents and schools should shoulder the responsibility of science popularization and guidance, cultivate good eye habits, and increase outdoor activity time.


If high myopia is diagnosed, corrective measures must be taken as soon as possible. The good news is that there are many options for correction. Most minors will have a pair of rimmed glasses, and adults can also choose to buy contact lenses. However, contact lenses need to be equipped under the guidance of a doctor, and patients with high myopia are likely to be accompanied by some fundus diseases or astigmatism, which needs to be purchased through a doctor's evaluation.

If necessary, refractive surgery can also be chosen, and a detailed examination and surgical plan must be developed in a professional eye hospital, and surgical treatment should be followed. After surgery, it is still necessary to do a good job of myopia prevention and control, but also must regularly check the fundus, do a good job of prevention.