How can I determine if I'm better suited for soft or hard contact lenses?

Contact lenses are divided into soft contact lenses and hard contact lenses, as the name suggests, which is a type of division from the softness of the lens. So, how do you know which type of contact lenses are better for you?

Of course, this must first understand the similarities and differences between soft contact lenses and hard contact lenses. The fundamental difference between the two types of lenses is that the material is different, soft contact lenses are made of hydrogel or silicon hydrogel, which is a very hydrophilic polymer material, so the human eye is easier to adapt to because of the soft texture, while hard contact lenses are made of RGP containing silicon and fluorine as materials, oxygen permeability has a very big advantage, but its texture is slightly harder so the adaptation period is longer. Two materials with very different properties not only cause differences in softness and oxygen permeability, but also determine differences in care.


No matter what type of contact lenses you wear, you must do a good job of lens care. Soft and hard contact lenses are roughly the same in terms of cleaning methods, but hard contact lenses have strong oxygen permeability and strong anti-protein deposition performance, so the daily cleaning frequency is not as good as soft contact lenses, and it is not easy to deformation and damage due to frequent cleaning. However, even for contact lenses, it is necessary to use the matching care solution to clean and rinse the lens, and the lens that is not worn needs to be soaked and stored in the double case.


In terms of scope of application, soft contact lenses have always been subject to some restrictions due to oxygen permeability problems, and the recommended range of wearing groups is 18-45 years old, and too young or too large may have eye problems that are not suitable for wearing. However, the scope of application of hard contact lenses will be more extensive, and minors over the age of 8 can also wear glasses under the supervision of a guardian for early vision intervention or treatment.

So, how do you determine which type of contact lenses are right for you? In fact, this issue does not need to make your own decision, mainly depends on the eye condition and examination conclusions. If there is a need for glasses, then you can go to the eye hospital for examination and evaluation, and the doctor will judge the type of glasses suitable for wearing according to the results. In general, hard contact lenses are safer than soft contact lenses, but in the long run, it is better to choose the right contact lenses according to the actual situation.