High incidence of summer vacation myopia prevention and control means is the key

 During the summer vacation, the myopia data of teenagers and children often presents an explosive growth, due to irregular life, lack of outdoor sports, playing games for a long time and so on, children will always appear different degrees of myopia deepening problem. At this time, the eye clinic will be very busy, parents are also extremely anxious and worried.

 Summer climate is suitable, sunshine time is long, this is the most suitable season for outdoor activities, but due to a variety of reasons, now teenagers and children's outdoor activities time is squeezed, or all kinds of cram school shifts, or watch TV at home, this state of life is difficult to not myopic.


 The harm of myopia in teenagers and children is profound. Because it is in the critical period of eye development, the refractive state is unstable, and the age is not control, children's myopia development speed is relatively fast, which not only brings a lot of trouble to daily life, but also causes more eye complications in the future, such as squinting, which is easy to cause squint.

 Myopia is irreversible, so we must take the initiative to prevent and control it as early as possible. Annual diopter examination to grasp the hyperopia reserve, which is helpful for early detection and early intervention. Parents should establish a scientific concept of parenting, control the use of electronic products, reasonable arrangement of holiday life, conditions can travel and so on. On the other hand, schools should guide more physical exercise and social practice activities, ensure at least 2 hours of outdoor activities every day, advocate more ball sports, and effectively track the movement track of ball games to exercise the eye muscles through both eyes. Hospitals can also make full use of public accounts, video platforms and other ways to conduct special science in summer, publicize correct reading and writing posture and so on.


In fact, not only teenagers and children, adults and the elderly are now leaving their mobile phones, and all ages need to do a good job in myopia prevention and control, adjust work and rest, and use their eyes scientifically. When finding your eyes dry and tired, you can close your eyes to do eye exercises, keep the blink frequency, or use artificial tears appropriately. If diagnosed myopia, must be correctly matched glasses, to the regular medical institutions for vision testing.