Can you wear your contact lenses for a full year?

 Many people contact contact lenses from the year, because the lens is flexible, and has a certain thickness, easy for beginners to control learning. However, also because is more novice, sometimes for the various characteristics of the lens is not fully understood. Today, we're going to talk about whether we can wear them for the whole year.


 In theory, the annual contact cycle is indeed a year, which can be worn for up to a year from the date of unpacking. That year more than a year, whether not worn at all or only a few times, the lens has exceeded the shelf life, so can not be worn. The consequences of forcibly wearing expired contact lenses are very serious, which may lead to corneal hypoxia, but also have a high probability of causing inflammation, and even cause irreversible damage to the eyes themselves. We are advised not to try it easily.

 However, in the actual wearing process, we often can not really wear it for a whole year. In most cases, we recommend the replacement in about 9-10 months. Although a lot of technological improvements have been made in extending the service cycle, such as reducing the water content, reducing the accumulation of sediment, etc., various health risks cannot be completely and completely solved due to the long wearing time. As a result, people will feel uncomfortable, and soon there will be acidity, foreign body sensation or eye irritation leading to increased secretions.


 According to the current concept, the risk of long-term abandonment is relatively large, so the annual selling and other types have gradually withdrawn from the market, and the sales are declining year by year, but silicon hydrogel and daily selling began to occupy the mainstream of the market. author suggests that people choose a safer and more healthy type if conditions permit, such as daily throw, monthly throw or high oxygen permeable lens made of silicon hydrogel.

Of course, not only the year can not be worn for a year, other types of contact lenses should also follow the principle of early abandonment, such as half a year is not recommended to wear for six months and so on, I hope everyone can develop a good habit of recording the date, to avoid overdue wear.