Can you use eye drops to alleviate eye fatigue?

 At present, people's work and life are closely linked with electronic products, more and more people use computer office all day long, and watch in leisure entertainment, accumulated in the face of electronic screen time has ten hours a day, so many people suffer from video terminal syndrome, appeared swollen eyes congestion, dryness and fatigue symptoms.


 When the symptoms are very serious, if you go to the hospital, the doctor will generally prescribe some drug eye drops to relieve visual fatigue according to the actual situation, or the eye moistening fluid to improve the dry symptoms. With inflammation, doctors often prescribe some anti-inflammatory eye drops. This is true, but patients often treat these drugs as essential family drugs after recovery, indicating that some of the drugs issued by doctors are taboo in use, some can not be used frequently, so they should not be bought at will.

 If the symptoms are mild or eye fatigue caused by wearing contact lenses, stop wearing contact lenses first, keep your eyes clean, close your eyes for rest or adjust your sleep to let the eyes recover. At the same time, you can also buy preservative-free artificial tears to help lubricate your eyes and relieve the symptoms of dryness and fatigue.


 Under normal circumstances, a thin layer of tear film is distributed on the surface of the eyeball to protect the cornea and prevent the evaporation of tears. When the tear secretion is sufficient, blink, the eyes can be evenly distributed, so that the cornea and conjunctiva can be kept moist, and the eyes are also in a healthy state. Eye drops can instantly improve all kinds of discomfort symptoms, but frequent use will destroy the stability of the tear film, interfere with the normal metabolic function, and break the balance of the eye microenvironment. In addition, when wearing contact lenses, you should not use medicinal eye drops, otherwise it is easy to cause corneal burns.

For the sake of eye health, using eye drops is not a long-term solution, want to fundamentally solve this kind of problem, we have to adjust the work and rest arrangement, moderate massage the eye week, eat more vegetables and fruits, strengthen the eye function and reasonable control of the eye.