Can children wear contact lenses?

 In recent years, the proportion of myopia in young children has risen rapidly, and this age group is a key period of eye development, in line with the principle of vision correction intervention as early as possible, parents are also very concerned about the problem of children wearing glasses. So, can children wear contact lenses?


When it comes to contact lenses, people tend to default to the highest sales of soft contact lenses, there are color and light blue that type. But in fact, soft contact lenses are only one category of contact lenses, in addition to hard contact lenses, also known as RGP. The difference between the two types of lenses is actually relatively large, the oxygen permeability of hard contact lenses is much higher than that of soft contact lenses, especially the keratology lens worn at night, under the premise of ensuring oxygen permeability, it can also achieve the effect of correcting vision by changing the curvature of the cornea, and soft contact lenses can not change anything, it is similar to the corrective effect of frame glasses. Due to low oxygen permeability, it can only be worn during the day, and the wearing time is also limited.

For teenagers and children, it is generally not recommended to wear soft contact lenses, which may cause damage to the eyes due to various disturbances. However, after examination, children can prepare hard contact lenses in the eye hospital, although the preparation process is complicated and expensive, but very professional and reliable. Especially for some small patients with astigmatism, contact lenses are even a more recommended choice because corrective surgery cannot be done prematurely.


When children wear contact lenses, they should pay special attention to two things. The first is to strictly control hygiene, parents need to help children establish health awareness, repeatedly emphasize that can not rub eyes; The second is to pay attention to the supervision of children to do a good job of care, if the child does not have the ability to operate, can be completed by the parents.

All in all, children need to be under the guidance of a doctor, after a strict and comprehensive examination and evaluation, in the exclusion of false myopia and other eye diseases on the basis of the preparation of contact lenses in a regular eye hospital, and because of being a minor, the prescription should be based on hard contact lenses, which can effectively help delay the growth of myopia.